I provide the same high definition lithographic printing offered by the UK’s leading street printing outlets. Whether you just need a few hundred business cards or a huge run of catalogues: no problem. As an independent provider I can also source more specialised products such as Pantone spot printing, outdoor signage, exhibition banners, high contrast and UV cured tactile printing and cast magnesium plaques. If you also source your design with me, there are substantial discounts available. For regular Lithographic printing please look at the Offers of the Month. For more details or for anything else please get in contact.
Graphic Design and Web Design

I have extensive graphic design for print experience, my particular strength being the creation of logos. However over the last decade I have become involved in a wider variety of design which has included; braille and tactile information for the blind and partially sighted / visually impaired, shop fittings and product design.
This website was visually designed by myself but built and coded by Heather Lyall. Together we can create just about any kind of website you might need. Our complementary skills mean that the finished product will both look great and function smoothly. We can also include domain and/or hosting at very cost effective prices.

Though I trained as an Architectural Illustrator, my portfolio now includes all manner of technical and product illustration. I use Adobe Illustrator to create line drawings: for photo-realistic work I use Autodesk 3ds max and Adobe Photoshop. I also use 3ds max to create animations and engineering quality .stl files which can be made into physical objects by a rapid prototyping machine / 3D printer.

Working with clients’ briefs; I produce copy for flyers, leaflets and other publications. In addition to written content for marketing material, I can create clear and unambiguous written instructions or directions. I am also more than happy to act as an editor, tightening up any copy you may have already generated.

Specialised Services
I like to think of myself as a commercial artist, not because of any artistic pretension but because I love to take on the wide variety of work, that this rather old fashioned phrase implies. This means that not only do I undertake an extensive range of tasks by myself: I also act as a project manager; sourcing exotic and hard to find materials, identifying, buying in and directing skilled people where appropriate. Just this last year I have worked with carpenters, metal casting foundries, sound recordists, voice over artists, sign writers, badge makers and specialist printers; to satisfy my client’s needs. Whatever you have in mind, please get in touch. Click here for some Case Studies.